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EVIDENCE OF LIFE AFTER DEATH !? An idea came to me one day in my 17th year. Books on mysterious quantum theory inspired me to mail this old idea to scholars and others. It was in 1991. Shown below are responses favorable that I accepted (allow me to quote please. all is in English).
1. The present is a special (moving) point in long length (long segment) of time. 2. "To me", existence of I is a special (peculiar, unique, only one) existence. 3. "To me", the span of years in which I live (my lifetime) is a special span. 4. "To me", overlap of 1 and 3 is unthinkable, unimaginable (if life is only once). 5. Answer to 4, after death, existence of I will revive. Thus, life will be eternal. Also it must be the same for all.
* Does no one hit on such a simple idea ? Cicero wrote, "No mad idea is left unsaid by philosophers". In Pascal's Pensees (in paragraph 194), there is a passage as follows (English version), "nor why the short time which is given me to live is assigned to me at this point rather than at another of the whole eternity which was before me or which shall come after me". Quoted from a site "gutenberg.orgphrase". Also in Rubaiyat. In a web site, the quatrain (latter half) is translated (by Majid Naficy ; 2009) as follows. "Yet it's not clear why, in the garden of Time The eternal painter has thus drawn me".sP.S.t Many editions of Rubaiyat lack this poem. sNotet In this site, italics show title of book or journal. * Heidegger wrote, "Warum ist uberhaupt Seindes und nicht Vielmehr Nichts ?". * I asked a man. Can you accept that following two are compatible ? ; After death all nothingness and you live now actually. His reaction was not dull. * "Life only once" view is reasonable ? Not bizarre ? Really ? Many people insist that after death, there is nothing. They will not know measurement problem of quantum theory. I myself think, probability (the next world is real) is 10-90%. * Statement 2 is impregnable. Supported by hard problem ("Hard problem of consciousness"), by harder problem or by quantum theory. Materialism or selflessness view will not have the ability to deny the next world absolutely. It (the next world is real view) will be impregnable. * "To point out the error of philosophical hypothesis is nearly impossible" The Big Questions Morris, R 2002. * I have read related books (not so many) and have made sure my first impression (it's uncertain. affirmation or denial both will be impossible). So don't stick to it. * English philosopher Ayer, A. J says on eternal return that Ayer of the next world has no connection with me. I, Nakayama mutters, the same is the same. If worlds are infinite, the same (practically) beings are also infinite (Ayer is wrong !? therefore selves actually live on !?).sP.S.t Cogito, ergo sum, infinitely !? * I saw an article "Parallel Universes" in Scientific American May 2003. It's more more concrete and amazing than this site. Distance (gap) from parallel universes to immortality of selves is only an inch (one step), I think. No, I find a chapter "I'm gonna live forever (the quantum theory and immortality)" in The Universe Next Door Chown, M 2001. Also I find a chapter "Living Forever" in The Infinite Book Barrow, J. D 2005. * If worlds are infinite, selves will live forever. Regardless of this uncertain question (presented by this site), selves will live forever. * A part of infinity (and only infinity can support existence and selves ?) ? Or a bubble that floats in nothingness ? Anyway it's clear that no one has ability to prefer (choose). It's postulation (given condition) to all. It's my view. * A scholar wrote me, how about the deceased people ? A few casual answers occur. However I want to limit to selves who live now. Still this question will stand up. * There was a writing (in a web-site in Japanese) as follows. "This life is that very thing ; life after death !?". * However it must be forgotten in actual life (thus, i am & have been). It's my view. * This idea must be an opium (considerably effective) for someone feels near end. To console old mother in low, Shaffner, G wrote an essay "Is there life after death ?". He tries to show the probability of it. It is in The Arithmetic of Life 1999. * Lucretius wrote, "Nothing ends in nothingness". * Nagarjuna wrote, "There is no difference between samsara and nirvana". I want to read a book (if it be) that gathers short sayings about samsara. It's said that from old times, many Indian people have believed in samsara (such a view makes them gentle ?). * By the way, physical pain at dying is fear. Hopeless pain. Armageddon in a teacup. My late friend and I often said "dynamite is ideal". Sorry for my deviation. * This chapter is for one who's death comes into view (however, i don't know, how effective for each). On the other hand, next chapter is for all (especially for young) except above. So, I say that impact of this site starts from here. * Other key words ; multiverse, cyclic model of universe, eternal inflation, quantum immortality. DISEASE PREVENTION Catalogue of misfortune does not exists. Study (-logy) in avoidable misfortune does not exist. Study (-logy) in individuals does not exist (sociology exists). Books on prevention of diseases (show aerial view ; whole picture) does not exist in Japan. How unreliable our foundation is ! I am not a doctor, but I published a book and rewrote it several times (at my expense. these are in Japanese). The last was in 1998. Preventable diseases are 60 at most. So, the book will fit in 300 pages at most. I also write on fate, danger, disease and prevention as a generality. Also I write on accidental death. * Panakeia is goddess of medical cure. Believers are many. They will not know a word "Therapeutic Pessimism" or Ingerfinger's saying on medical cure's ability. * Paracelsus wrote, "Who can guard his (her) body from injury or disaster without knowledge of the enemy ? No one ! Therefore, it's necessary to know the enemy". These must be overlooked. This overlooked view must be embodied as a book. I stick to book. * Rhetoric for patients and rhetoric for prevention must be different. Fear of disease must be emphasized. Emphasis will be allowed, because many technical (medical) books or journals are on the shelves of today's public library. * Often said, "take good care of yourself". But about what ? For what reason ? And how to ? Care's know-how must be embodied purely (by sagacity). Digest these by one's sensibility, accept fussily. Basho (Japanese poet) says, "searches in deep and returns to shallows". * And, to be sensitive must be duty of a parent or of a guardian. * In a newspaper, I saw a headline as follows, "Optimists' death rate is high ?". * Culture ? It dresses only the upper part of the body ? * I saw in a book Beyond the Magic Bullet Dixon, B 1978 that 10.4% of the dead died from kidney diseases (1974 in USA). However, figure of statistics is about 1%. Which reflects the real situation ? "Untrue, quite untrue statistics are !" The Alarming History of Medicine Gordon, R 1994. * In JAMA Japanese version Apr 2002 and Feb 2004, there are articles on "chronic kidney diseases" (CKD). Articles say that more than 20 million people in USA are diseased. It's possible to read in a web-site ; National Kidney Foundation (http://www.kidney.org/). Click "kidney disease" in top page. Also there is a web-site (AHA Statement 10/28/2003) by American Heart Association. It's only 2 pages. * It's written, the two leading causes of CKD are diabetes and hypertension. Really ? "The cause of hypertension is deeply related to the kidney. The kidney is decisive organ that decides the level of hypertension" , "To treasure kidney is the key to long life" A news paper in Japanese 22 Mar 2009. "Prevention of CVD ; Hypertension is more important than overweight" A news paper in Japanese 19 Apr 2009. * A title of a book Why Do People Get Ill ? Leader, D & Corfield, D 2008 caught my eye. "Exactly" I matter and add "Why Do People Get CKD ?". "Even though the cause of interstitial (stromal) inflammation isn't clear, the true cause does exist" The Kidney Wardener, H. E. de 1967. * From ICD (International Classification of Diseases)-10, item "Infection of kidney" (pyelonephritis is typical of it) was deleted (ICD-10 is used from 1995). However, in Statistical Abstract of the United States, this item "Infection of kidney" is still printed (as one of major causes [about 30 causes] of death !!). sP.S.t But from this place also, it was deleted (from 2005). * In statistics (deaths and causes) of USA (1960 era), nearly 80% of kidney diseases was "infection of kidney" !! * " Pyelonephritis is bacterial infection of the kidney parenchyma, and the term should not be used to describe tubulointerstitial nephropathy unless infection is documented " The Merck Manual original text ; 18th ed 2006. And, from consultation rooms, from books, the word pyelonephritis disappears. Yes, disappears also from the objects of enlightenment. * This trend is shown also in the decrease of articles of journals (about Japanese journal). In a web site of the national diet library, number of articles (include a word "pyelonephritis" in title) is 161 (1970-1983) and 16 (1984-2001). By the way, about a word "urinary tract infection", it is 1215 and 79. * There is a book Eight Preposterous Propositions Ehrich, R 2005. The title of the last chapter is "Epilogue". In Japanese version, it's translated as follows. "Epilogue ; In medicine, why are common views reversed frequently ?". * About the frequency of chronic pyelonephritis, literatures are few (about the results of pathological anatomy, there are considerable data. however, i don't quote these here). * "11`25% of chronic kidney failure are caused by chronic pyelonephritis" Genitourinary Tract Pathology Weiss, M. A & Mills, S. E 1993. i nakayama suppose (as a hypothesis) this percentage as 10`90. Reasons are as follows. One reason is that figure (1960 era's figure. noted before). And another is the fact that diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis is difficult (noted later). In addition, number of denominator was changed (by CKD) drastically (in very large scale). Therefore, maximum figure 90 will not be nonsense (absurd). "About causes of kidney diseases, many parts are unknown yet". It's quoted from a web-site (in Japanese) of "National Kidney Diseases Association" (quoted in Jun 08). * "Allen, McManus and others also wrote that 'pyelonephritis is quite common kidney disease in pathological anatomy and most of the adults show focus of chronic pyelonephritis'. However I hear that such surprising views are reconsidered somewhat in recent trend" The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine Mar 1964. "It causes suspicious difference (10`80%) of the rate of infection of kidney in various kinds of searching on postmortem examination" The Kidney Wardener, H. E. de 1967. "It must be emphasized that even on the table of pathological anatomy, diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis is not clear" Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 6th ed 1970. * "Most of the dead due to kidney failure are caused by chronic pyelonephritis or disease of blood vessel of kidney. Most of patients go into program of chronic dialysis or kidney transplantation also suffer from these diseases" Detection, Prevention and Management of Urinary Tract Infection Kunin, C. M 1974. In this era, above view about pyelonephritis might be common. * I omit mentions on UTI, PID, STD that I wrote in Japanese page of this site. However only I do show a few old books below. and * "Recognition that urinary tract infection (UTI) are curable by antibiotic must be changed" Shonika Sinryo Dec 2005. "Therefore, to protect kidney, it's very important to prevent cystitis" Zinzobyo (Kidney Diseases) Iino, Y 2007. Wise saying ! Cystitis, that is, UTI (from view point of prevention). * Threats of infection of kidney are over-emphasized ? Are there mild causing germs ? (very likely. however books that refer to difference of germs are few). i advise the patients, "Don't be too pessimistic. Our knowledge on pyelonephritis is not satisfactory". Keynes, J. M says "Errors due to pessimistic view". * "Death due to sexually transmitted diseases. The forgotten component of reproductive mortality." It's title of an article of JAMA original text Apr 1986. Death due to sexual infection will be dispersed to many items of statistics. Lord Higo's Teaching 1776 ? says "Because of sexual desire, damaged kidneys and early death". Higo is a district of Japan. Do you know the word "honeymoon cystitis" or "honeymoon pyelonephritis" ? * I saw in a journal (published in 1985) that 1/3 of suicides among the young are due to STD (view of a doctor on Japan internal) !? Convincing ? * In Taiwanese web-sites, there are very straight passages on prostatitis. One of these is as follows. Έ_ΨΝkεA[΄ίaβ]AΌμHμγΈiζSAΆγΈΩοALIrΖλjτAΖΈsA逩E (severe case ?). And on interstitial cystitis, there are similar sites also. * I read that infectious diseases have risen to third leading cause of death in USA (at very moderate estimate) JAMA Japanese version Aug 1996. * There is a word gcardio-renal syndromeh, phrase gheart failure with cardio-renal syndromeh. How about its extent ? * Falls to an abyss. Because of misfortune, because of lack of knowledge, because of lack of enlightenment, because of overlapping of these. * "Against early expectation, the more we gain knowledge, the more our environment seems to deepen ominous aspect" The Illness Naratives Kleinman, A 1988. * Seneca says "Deep suffering keeps silence". * The surface of this planet is a picture puzzle. Death hides hear and there. Fantasy is not fantasy. Average life span is not assured. Luck that lasts billion years ends shortly. I saw in a book, that ancient Roman sages listed up misfortunes, and intended to avoid these. It will be basic know-how to support our life (even though it is not surely reliable). We must have study (-logy) in misfortunes (covering doubtful causes), and in ways to avoid these (as a noble culture). My book was reviewed by two journals ; Unusual, Leading, Timely, Handy-Valid, doctors wrote me. Except doctors are more insensitive than stone. There are many sayings on happiness, not on misfortunes. Name Venus is well-known. Klotho, Lachesis, Atropos, or Ananke, Tyche are nearly unknown. Are we still in the garden of Eden ? * "The sensibility of man to trifles, and his insensibility to great things, indicates a strange inversion" Pansees Pascal. Exactly !! Numbers of visitors (to this site) is very few. And none shows sympathy. ADDITIONAL (about pyelonephritis) * "English authority on chemotherapy (for infectious diseases) Brumitt write in 1969 that 'UTI is serious in its incidence and in its death rate. UTI is world-wide problem'. (... omission) Even at the present time, this situation is not changed at all" Nyo-Seiki Kansensho Ohkoshi, M ed 1982. * "no pathognomonic clinical, laboratory, or pathologic criteria can be used to identify cases of chronic pyelonephritis, and few reliable data on the incidence or prevalence of this condition have been collected" Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine original text ; 12th ed 1991. * It is written that chronic pyelonephritis is very difficult to diagnose. An old book writes, diagnosed are 17% of these. "At the present time, diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis is considered to be the most difficult among whole kidney diseases" A Course in Renal Diseases Berlyne, G. M 1974. * "Studies using ureteral catheterization and a bladder washout technique have demonstrated that about 30 to 50% of patients with lower UTI symptoms also have silent kidney infection" The Merck Manual original text ; 17th ed 1999. "But 80-90% of active pyelonephritis are not detected clinically" Nippon Rinsho Sep 1963. "Actuality is that there are many cases (no bacteria is found in urine) of infection of kidney" Hinyoukika Kakizoe, T (supervision) 2000. There is a word "kidney and urinary tract infection". * "About concept of the chronic pyelonephritis, there are many arguments yet" EBM Gendai Naikagaku Kurokawa, K and others ed 1997. * "On many cases of dialysis, cause (cause of kidney failure) is not examined eagerly" Nephro-Urology Asscher, A. W & Moffat, D. B 1983. * i found a web-site (in Japanese) of a hospital. It shows released cases of internal diseases (in 2003). The items of 67 cases of kidney diseases are as follows. Kidney failure-21, Pyelonephritis-18, UTI-7, Diabetic nephropathy-5, Functional disorder of kidney-3, Cystitis-2, Others-11. Master of a pharmacy said, "pyelonephritis is popular". * "Though quite common, these (Urinary Tract Infection - Bacterial) are very intractable (on the treatments) and easy to relapse. These often cause serious kidney disease ; pyelonephritis and" , "A large majority of people who have UTI are unaware of the presence of this infection" Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 6th ed 1970. "most women with pyelonephritis have no demonstrable functional or anatomic defects of the urinary tract" (this passage is on acute pyelonephritis) The Merck Manual original text ; 17th ed 1999. Above two views seem to me to be true. Most of the acute pyelonephritis will develop into chronic pyelonephritis, regardless of these defects (and it must be the same about men also). Allow me to write my view. sP.S.t Following is my inference. In infection of urinary tract or kidney, does difference of bacteria cause difference of the state (symptom) ? In many case, one seems not to feel any symptom (harmless bacteria ?). * "No single or combination diagnostic indicator was found to reliably predict pelvic inflammatory disease" JAMA original text 13 Nov 1991. It's for reference. * Cat is said to be an animal that is apt to suffer from kidney diseases. And word pyelonephritis (of cat) is often seen in the web. It's for reference. Nakayama, Hisashi (Yokohama, Japan) Thank you for visiting this site. Also i thank Yahoo very much. Many quoted passages are translated by me from Japanese text or version. Sorry my English is bad. i regret, if i were fluent in English, i could show more citations. Feel free to link. Opened in 6th Mar 2003. Former title was A DESERTED TOPOS. Attention ; i have taken not a few books and journals on medicine in hand. And i abandoned this habit (from the end of 07) as a rule. After this, i cannot add (or correct) items to this site . |